Before CCIWBS can process your referral, we need to tell you what happens to your data. At CCIWBS we have a confidential in-house database where we store your data and clinical notes. If your GP is in Camden or Islington, we also need to add your data to the NHS England database where it is stored under your NHS number, to help commissioners evaluate our service. We will also add your weekly questionnaires (but not your clinical notes) to the 'iaptus' database.
This also helps us to see how clients move between different services in our partnership eg Age UK Camden and iCope.
Please be aware that the information you share with us is kept confidential. However, if you share information concerning current or potential harm to yourself or another person, it is likely that we will need to inform other agencies to ensure that the right support is provided. We would always try to contact you first to discuss this.
The information you provide will be stored for five years and completion and submission of this form will be considered your acceptance of our data storage procedure.
For more information about confidentiality and data sharing please see
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